- (Poster) “Individual control of atom array through phase modulation”, Gordan Research Conference: Quantum Control of Light and Matter (2023)
- (Poster) “Sensing arbitrary frequency fields using a quantum mixer”, APS March Meeting (2023)
- “Protecting nuclear spin ensembles against temperature and strain variations”, APS March Meeting (2023)
- “Develop better quantum sensors and simulators with solid state spins”, Princeton Quantum Initiative Fellowship Seminar, Princeton, NJ (2022)
- “Develop better quantum sensors and simulators with solid state spins”, MIT Nano – Nano Explorations, MIT Cambridge, MA (2022) (talk video)
- “Protecting solid-state spin ensembles against temperature and strain variations”, Doctoral Seminars – Nuclear Science Security and Technology, MIT Cambridge, MA (2022)
- “Sensing arbitrary frequency fields using a quantum mixer”, Invited talk at Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering, SUSTech Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering, Shenzhen, China (virtual) (2022/07/13)
- “Digital noise spectroscopy with a quantum sensor”, 53th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Orlando, Florida (2022)
- “When quantum meets diamond: highly-sensitive sensors and more powerful simulators”, Signature Presentation at 2022 NSE Research Expo, MIT (talk video)
- “Characterize dynamical symmetries in Floquet systems”, MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA) 10 mins talk, Cambridge, MA (2022)
- (Poster) “Nanoscale vector ac magnetometry with a single NV center in diamond”, APS March meeting, Chicago (2022) (talk video)
- “Observation of symmetry-protected selection rules in periodically-driven quantum systems”, APS March meeting, Chicago (2022) (talk video)
- “Characterize dynamical symmetries in Floquet systems”, Quantum Science and Engineering Consortium's Annual Research Conference (QuARC), MIT (2022) (talk video)
- “Arbitrary frequency quantum sensing”, Doctoral Seminars – Nuclear Science Security and Technology, MIT Cambridge, MA (2021) (internal, non-public presentation)
- (Poster) “Observation of high-order Mollow triplet and symmetry-protected selection rules in Floquet systems”, IMPRS-MPHQ-BeyondC Summer School 2021, (2021)
- “Observation of symmetry-protected selection rules in periodically driven quantum systems”, IMPRS-MPHQ-BeyondC Summer School 2021, (2021) (talk video)
- “Nanoscale vector AC magnetometry based on a single NV center in diamond”, Nano-MRI: the next generation, Lorentz Center, The Netherlands, (2021)
- (Poster) “Quantum information applications based on modulated quantum control”, NSE Graduate Research Expo, NSE, MIT (2021)
- “Quantum information applications of quantum mode control by concatenated continuous driving”, Invited talk at Peking University, (2021)
- “Observation of high-order Mollow triplet by quantum mode control with concatenated continuous driving”, APS March Meeting, (2021) (talk video)
- (Poster) “Coherence protection and decay mechanism in qubit ensembles under concatenated continuous driving”, APS March Meeting, (2021)
- (Poster) “Quantum information applications of quantum mode control by concatenated continuous driving”, QIP 2021 (24th Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing), Munich, Germany (2021)
- “Physics beyond the rotating wave approximation (RWA) studied by concatenated continuous driving”, MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA) seminar, Cambridge, MA (2020) (talk video)
- “Quantum coherence protection in qubit ensembles”, Doctoral Seminars – Nuclear Science Security and Technology, MIT, Cambridge, MA (2020) (talk video)