
  1. (Poster) “Individual control of atom array through phase modulation”, Gordan Research Conference: Quantum Control of Light and Matter (2023)
  2. (Poster) “Sensing arbitrary frequency fields using a quantum mixer”, APS March Meeting (2023)
  3. “Protecting nuclear spin ensembles against temperature and strain variations”, APS March Meeting (2023)
  4. “Develop better quantum sensors and simulators with solid state spins”, Princeton Quantum Initiative Fellowship Seminar, Princeton, NJ (2022)
  5. “Develop better quantum sensors and simulators with solid state spins”, MIT Nano – Nano Explorations, MIT Cambridge, MA (2022) (talk video)
  6. “Protecting solid-state spin ensembles against temperature and strain variations”, Doctoral Seminars – Nuclear Science Security and Technology, MIT Cambridge, MA (2022)
  7. “Sensing arbitrary frequency fields using a quantum mixer”, Invited talk at Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering, SUSTech Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering, Shenzhen, China (virtual) (2022/07/13)
  8. “Digital noise spectroscopy with a quantum sensor”, 53th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Orlando, Florida (2022)
  9. “When quantum meets diamond: highly-sensitive sensors and more powerful simulators”, Signature Presentation at 2022 NSE Research Expo, MIT (talk video)
  10. “Characterize dynamical symmetries in Floquet systems”, MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA) 10 mins talk, Cambridge, MA (2022)
  11. (Poster) “Nanoscale vector ac magnetometry with a single NV center in diamond”, APS March meeting, Chicago (2022) (talk video)
  12. “Observation of symmetry-protected selection rules in periodically-driven quantum systems”, APS March meeting, Chicago (2022) (talk video)
  13. “Characterize dynamical symmetries in Floquet systems”, Quantum Science and Engineering Consortium's Annual Research Conference (QuARC), MIT (2022) (talk video)
  14. “Arbitrary frequency quantum sensing”, Doctoral Seminars – Nuclear Science Security and Technology, MIT Cambridge, MA (2021) (internal, non-public presentation)
  15. (Poster) “Observation of high-order Mollow triplet and symmetry-protected selection rules in Floquet systems”, IMPRS-MPHQ-BeyondC Summer School 2021, (2021)
  16. “Observation of symmetry-protected selection rules in periodically driven quantum systems”, IMPRS-MPHQ-BeyondC Summer School 2021, (2021) (talk video)
  17. “Nanoscale vector AC magnetometry based on a single NV center in diamond”, Nano-MRI: the next generation, Lorentz Center, The Netherlands, (2021)
  18. (Poster) “Quantum information applications based on modulated quantum control”, NSE Graduate Research Expo, NSE, MIT (2021)
  19. “Quantum information applications of quantum mode control by concatenated continuous driving”, Invited talk at Peking University, (2021)
  20. “Observation of high-order Mollow triplet by quantum mode control with concatenated continuous driving”, APS March Meeting, (2021) (talk video)
  21. (Poster) “Coherence protection and decay mechanism in qubit ensembles under concatenated continuous driving”, APS March Meeting, (2021)
  22. (Poster) “Quantum information applications of quantum mode control by concatenated continuous driving”, QIP 2021 (24th Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing), Munich, Germany (2021)
  23. “Physics beyond the rotating wave approximation (RWA) studied by concatenated continuous driving”, MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms (CUA) seminar, Cambridge, MA (2020) (talk video)
  24. “Quantum coherence protection in qubit ensembles”, Doctoral Seminars – Nuclear Science Security and Technology, MIT, Cambridge, MA (2020) (talk video)